proper example : see at replit (below) # my example: print('''Welcome to the torunament Scoring System! Before proceeding to the main menu, Please Input the four team names Below: ''') team1 = input("Team 1: ") team2 = input("Team 2: ") team3 = input("Team 3: ") team4 = input("Team 4: ") def team_members(): print('''=============== = Select Team = =============== ''') print("[1]", team1) print("[2]" ,team2) print("[3]" ,team3) print("[4]" ,team4) chose_team = int(input("Choose Your team: ")) if chose_team == 1: print(input("Name 1: ")) print(input("Name 2: ")) print(input("Name 3: ")) print(input("Name 4: ")) print(input("Name 5: ")) question = input("Did you input ...